Surviving COVID-19

In these stressful and trying times, we as a community need to start thinking out of our normal routines. Store shelves are empty of the basic necessities, which we, as a community need to get back to the basics of life. The time of being spoiled and ability to be gluttonous is over. Modify your behavior to fit the World that surrounds us today.

Some gluttonous hoarders that have taxed the system should stop reading now! If you should choose to continue, please, whatever is left over after the paranoia subsides, donate to your local food bank whatever you won’t consume before it expires. Gluttony is a seven deadly sin for a reason!

More important than ever we need a sense of community. Yes, wash your hands! Keep social distancing, but still find ways to help your neighbors.

Here is my neighbors hilarious social art on the sidewalk. Yes! Please toilet paper my house as well!

#1 in my book is become self sustaining! We’ve been spoiled by large companies and major supermarkets. However, in these time’s it’s amazing to find out what the capabilities of your neighbors are. Some have gardens, some raise chickens for eggs (Can you get eggs right now?). I chose to help my community in this time of need and provide sustainable produce for my family that doesn’t require the overburdened store. Hint, hint, you can still get chicken feed and chickens. I’m lucky, my community has urban farming laws and even if you push it, at this point of chaos I’d doubt even those would be enforced if you decide to raise cattle in your backyard (I’m not a lawyer, make choices that are good for you, so don’t take my word on that).

Some kids are on Spring break. School has turned into online training until April 10th when session resumes. Get your family to help create sustainable resources and use what’s available to keep the World a healthier nourished place! As you can see my family, neighbors, and friends are going to be loving omelets that are “family farmed, organic, and free range.” (Thank you Morgan Spurlock Super Size Me 2!)

In this time to stay physically apart, come together as a community and make the World a better, more sustainable place.