Friends, Family, and World! Welcome to my life. Facebook is overused. Instagram is making the fake “real” (virtually) and people feel inferior because of filters and photoshop. We need to remove ourselves from the obsession with social media. I ditched that, but now I’m bored so I’m creating a constructive outlet for myself that is pure me, and hopefully capture my family as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve fallen guilty to unrealistic virtual expectations and have only felt disappointed with my interactions online. Please join me and JUST be you. Talk! Meet! Live in the air you breathe. Put down your device.

That being said, the intent of my site is to share what I’ve learned in Computer Science, Software Modeling, Software Engineering, and how to make the World a more electronic place while entertaining myself on a connected device. I know, I’m a hypocrite, but really, who isn’t in ways. I enjoy computers and making them do things that do things for us and not dull our sense of humanity. I just don’t like them replacing our human connections to each other. Plus, I’m going to share pictures and stuff with my “real” friends, not “Facebook friends” (whatever those really are).

Ditch social media with me, and make real human connections again.